Longer Term

DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS – Small Business Developer

DSCN0471Social economic projects and clean water bring sustainability to a community as a whole.  There are opportunities to help empower people in agriculture, small business initiatives, animal husbandry, and more.  For details go to this page:  Small Buisness Developer

If you are interested:   INQUIRIES

Dicipleship Coordinator

South Sudan and the Nations needs the hope, peace, and the healing of the gospel. Will you join a Church Planting Principles, Church Planting team made up of national Christians to reach these nations.


South Sudan has been in war and civil unrest for the last 50 years with only short periods of relative peace. Pain runs deep among the peoples, caused by a history of war and hatred among the many different peoples and tribes.  Other nations near bye also experience the affects of war.

Church Planting Principles, Church Planting teams are being trained and developed to reach these people with the gospel.  Over 80 Churches have been planted and someone is needed to help with discipling these churches.  For more information click on this link: Discipleship Coordinator

If you are interested:   INQUIRIES



Refugees in South Sudan and the Nations near bye have witnessed incredible violence, fled their homes, and suffered immensely because of lack of food, clean water, and shelter. Many continue to suffer, living in poverty and paralyzed by fear.  Our primary goal is to bring sustainable development to grassroots communities by providing church planting training, clean drinking water, economic empowerment, social integration, and programs for children at risk.

Serving Christ .org has been empowering the church in South Sudan and other countries for the last 12 years.  As we move out into different states, with it’s tribes and peoples, we are looking for someone to be on the ground in South Sudan and the Nations to mentor, and empower a Sudanese nationals and others  who could duplicate as a program leader.  The mentoring program leader would coordinate and empower church planting initiatives, social economic development, children’s work, and clean water projects, and at the same time duplicate himself with an existing national.  For more information follow this LINK:  Program Leadership

If you are interested:   INQUIRIES


Refugees in South Sudan and the Nations have witnessed incredible violence, fled their homes, and suffered immensely because of lack of food, clean water, and shelter. Many continue to suffer, living in poverty and paralyzed by fear.

In addition, the extremely vulnerable, such as lepers in isolated colonies, suffer without care.
If you are interested:   INQUIRIES


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