Orphans and Widows

Ministry to Orphans & Widows


Within the Ugandan refugee camps there are many many orphans and widows as a result of the war in South Sudan.  What you may not know about Uganda (and many other African countries) is that parents have to pay for their children to go to school – right from Kindergarten to University!  This becomes a real challenge for most of the population.

Now imagine ‘the orphan’ who has no one to pay their school fees.  This means they simply cannot go to school, and they remain uneducated.


‘Serving Christ’ takes God’s Word seriously when it says, “Real, true religion from God the Father’s perspective is about caring for the orphans and widows who suffer needlessly … and resisting the evil influence of the world.” (James 1:27)

Presently ‘Serving Christ’ is supporting 24 orphan and vulnerable children.  The cost of education varies according to grade level and school.  This averages the cost for one orphan to go to school at approximately $1200./year or $100./month.

We would like to share a short clip of the testimonies from 2 of the orphans that are being supported through education.

Video Testimony 

‘Serving Christ’ also has a very small ministry to widows, helping with some ‘seed capital’ so that they can build a small business to care for themselves and their family.  This is a very real need in this context, and we would love to grow this important ministry as funds become available.  In 2025 we will be supporting 5 widows and their families in this way.

Isaiah 1:17 “Learn to do good; commit yourselves to seeking justice.  Make right for the world’s most vulnerable—the oppressed, the orphaned, the widow.”